Midweek writing prompt – reflections

Tree reflection cr Judy DarleyAs autumn rolls in with all its mists and dreaminess, I find myself feeling increasingly reflective, which gives me an idea for a writing prompt.

So many things in our lives show us pieces of ourselves, from literal reflective surfaces such as mirrors, ponds and puddles, to the expressions of those who see us, either as strangers or close friends.

I invite you to take this theme and use it to explore a character – and offer them a glimpse of themselves, of their personality or their appearance, that they didn’t expect. What do they learn about themselves through it? How, if at all, does this alter them?

If you write something prompted by this, please let me know by sending an email to Judy(at)socket creative.com. With your permission, I’d love to share it on SkyLightRain.com.