Mid-week writing point ā€“ an unexpected POV

Tree cr Judy DarleyLast week I wrote a piece of flash fiction that turned out to be from the point of view of a dog, and that small detail altered the whole tone of the tale (or should that be tail?). Suddenly my main character’s preoccupations, goals and interpretations of the world shifted. It was a fun piece to write, and made me realise that the value of unconventional narrators, especially for the writer.

Imagine if your torrid love scene, brutal murder, or calculating plot for world domination was being related to the reader via an unexpected voice, such as a child, a pet, or even a piece of furniture. It would skew every word.And if that unexpected was a narrator was an age-old tree, what weight could that bring to the witnessed drama?

If this image prompts you to write something, Iā€™d love to know. Just send an email to Judy(at)socketcreative.com. You could end up published on the site!