Midweek writing prompt – trees

Trees cr Judy DarleyThis week’s writing prompt was inspired by Tony D’Arpino, author of Trees of Bristol, who asks the question: What’s your favourite tree?

It’s a question he’s faced frequently since the book came out, and he agrees it’s almost impossible to answer. Is it one from childhood, the first you ever climbed, or the one you pass every day on your way to work?

Whatever your favourite tree is at this present moment in time, write an homage to it – the leafiness, the sound the wind creates in its branches, the thought of all the people (or one particular person) it’s sheltered from the rain or sun.

If you write something prompted by this, please let me know by sending an email to Judy(at)socket creative.com. With your permission, I’d love to publish it on SkyLightRain.com.